Alice Goncharova

Alice Goncharova

How Apptica Skyrocketed the Success of Games and Ad Creatives of WannaPlay

How Apptica Skyrocketed the Success of Games and Ad Creatives of WannaPlay

WannaPlay wanted their creative & UA teams to reach excellent results, and Apptica tools made it happen!
1 min read
  • #Case-study
  • #User acquisition & app promotion
  • #Mobile App Growth
What Is The Future Of NFT Mobile Games?

What Is The Future Of NFT Mobile Games?

In this article, Chainplay and Apptica shared their experience and made predictions for you to take a deep dive into the NFT Mobile Games Market and determine whether an investment in the sector is in your best interest.
5 min read
  • #NFT
  • #Mobile Games
The Highest-Grossing Mobile Games on iOS & Android:
Q2 2022

The Highest-Grossing Mobile Games on iOS & Android: Q2 2022

Do you know who rules the mobile game market today? Read the new report by Apptica to find out which titles became the leaders in revenue in the second quarter of 2022!
1 min read
  • #Apptica Analytics
  • #Mobile Games
  • #Mobile Industry Overview
What is a Mobile SDK and who Needs it?

What is a Mobile SDK and who Needs it?

You have probably heard about SDK at least once, but do you know what hidden potential it has? Read this article to find out what SDK means, who it will be useful for and how to choose the right SDK for your project.
2 min read
  • #SDK Intelligence
  • #Store Intelligence
  • #Mobile Apps
Top Apps’ Paid Promotion Strategies: Q1 2022

Top Apps’ Paid Promotion Strategies: Q1 2022

Want to know how top mobile apps and games build their paid promotion strategy? Well, our new report will help you find that out!
1 min read
  • #User acquisition & app promotion
  • #In-App Advertising Report
  • #Playable Ads
Apex Legends Mobile Success: Genius Marketing or the Power of a Name?

Apex Legends Mobile Success: Genius Marketing or the Power of a Name?

Much anticipated Apex Legends Mobile by Electronic Arts had more than 5 m downloads in total in just 5 days. But why was the success of this game so stunning?
2 min read
  • #Mobile Games
  • #Hot Releases
  • #User acquisition & app promotion
What’s New, Mobile World? | April Digest

What’s New, Mobile World? | April Digest

Let's sum up the results of April to identify current trends in mobile gaming and see what’s new with the mobile industry leaders.
3 min read
  • #Mobile Industry Overview
  • #Mobile Games
  • #Releases
Mobile Video Ad Creatives: Western and Eastern Countries

Mobile Video Ad Creatives: Western and Eastern Countries

A well-thought-out ad creative is a key to effective in-app advertising. But what creatives work best for Western and Eastern countries? Let's find it out.
3 min read
  • #Ad Creatives
  • #Ad Intelligence
  • #Mobile Advertising
What’s New, Mobile World? 
  | March Digest

What’s New, Mobile World? | March Digest

Welcome to the first monthly news digest by Apptica! In these series, we are going to compile the most significant news from the mobile industry.
3 min read
  • #Mobile Industry Overview
  • #Mobile Games
  • #Releases
Top-5 Mobile Ad Networks You Should Try in 2022

Top-5 Mobile Ad Networks You Should Try in 2022

It's pretty easy to get confused when choosing an ad network to promote mobile apps or games. Apptica compiled the top-5 mobile ad networks that are definitely worth trying in 2022.
4 min read
  • #Ad Networks
  • #Ad Intelligence
  • #Mobile Ad Network
  • #Mobile Advertising
Mobile games on iOS: winter results and forecasts for spring 2022

Mobile games on iOS: winter results and forecasts for spring 2022

Read our new report to know which iOS game categories will rule the mobile market soon.
1 min read
  • #Apptica Analytics
  • #Mobile Games
TikTok Ads in 2022: Everything Mobile Marketers Need to Know

TikTok Ads in 2022: Everything Mobile Marketers Need to Know

AdQuantum and Apptica researched TikTok advertising trends over the past year and identified the key to creating the best performing ad creatives in 2022.
5 min read
  • #Ad Creatives
  • #Ad Networks
  • #Ad Intelligence
Genuine support in tough times: Airbnb provides housing to refugees from Ukraine

Genuine support in tough times: Airbnb provides housing to refugees from Ukraine

Airbnb made it easier for refugees from Ukraine to find temporary housing. In our small guide, we explain how this system works and how everyone can help.
1 min read
  • #Mobile Apps
Top-5 upcoming NFT mobile games we are waiting for

Top-5 upcoming NFT mobile games we are waiting for

In 2022 the mobile game market will be replenished with various NFT games. Let’s take a look at the most interesting and promising ones.
7 min read
  • #NFT
  • #Mobile Games
  • #Coming Soon
Health & Fitness apps in a rapidly changing environment: new report by Apptica

Health & Fitness apps in a rapidly changing environment: new report by Apptica

Learn more about Health and Fitness applications in our latest report!
1 min read
  • #Apptica Analytics
  • #Mobile Industry Overview
Mobile advertising in 2022: what should we prepare for?

Mobile advertising in 2022: what should we prepare for?

2021 brought many significant changes to the entire mobile market and the advertising system in particular. Let’s find out what app and game marketers should do in order to stay afloat in today’s unstable conditions.
3 min read
  • #Mobile Advertising
  • #Mobile App Growth
  • #Mobile Ad Network
Paid mobile growth in 2022: proven methods, successful case studies & predictions

Paid mobile growth in 2022: proven methods, successful case studies & predictions

Learn more about mobile app promotion on Facebook after the IDFA cancellation and trends in ad creatives in our new webinar!
1 min read
  • #Ad Creatives
  • #Ad Networks
New feature: Soft Launches section

New feature: Soft Launches section

New soft launches appear in App Store and Google Play every day. In order for you not to miss any of them and always be one step ahead of your competitors, Apptica team has released new Soft Launches feature
1 min read
  • #Apptica Updates
  • #Releases
  • #Store Intelligence
How Squid Game blew up mobile game stores: the numbers, plots and leaders

How Squid Game blew up mobile game stores: the numbers, plots and leaders

This September Netflix released Squid Game series which became its most watched show ever. Within a month, App Store and Google Play were replenished with thousands of Squid Game inspired apps. Let’s find out more about mobile games that continue to move the world leaders out of the top charts.
2 min read
  • #Mobile Games
  • #Mobile Industry Overview
New feature: Modules section

New feature: Modules section

22 types of SDKs, 2 platforms and tons of beneficial information: Apptica's SDK Intelligence section has been replenished with the new Modules feature.
1 min read
  • #Apptica Updates
  • #SDK Intelligence
  • #Store Intelligence
Top summer 2021 App Store & Google Play releases

Top summer 2021 App Store & Google Play releases

The summer has just ended, but Apptica team already has fresh analytics to share!
2 min read
  • #Store Intelligence
  • #Hot Releases
  • #Apptica Analytics
New features: Top Movers and Hot Releases sections

New features: Top Movers and Hot Releases sections

The more comparison parameters – the better: Apptica team constantly works on new features for more in-depth market analysis. This week we are glad to present the launch of two new sections – Top Movers and Hot Releases. Top Movers Top Movers section contains top 500 apps by downloads and revenue. This
1 min read
  • #Apptica Updates
  • #Store Intelligence
Hype, rooms and invitations: why Clubhouse app is losing the game

Hype, rooms and invitations: why Clubhouse app is losing the game

After more than a year of existing Clubhouse changed its logo and renounced its invitation system. Seems like developers want their project to reborn – or at least gain some new active users. But, since Clubhouse app is no longer popular enough, are these changes worth it? But first – the numbers
3 min read
  • #Apptica Analytics
  • #Clubhouse
  • #Mobile Industry Overview
New features: Apptica started analyzing TikTok advertisers

New features: Apptica started analyzing TikTok advertisers

Apptica team continues ameliorating the platform to provide more social network insights. This month our ad intelligence section has been replenished with a new option. From now on Apptica users got the access to the advertisers that use TikTok as a promotion channel. Being one of the most trending and
1 min read
  • #Apptica Updates
  • #Top Advertisers