Usage Intelligence
Uncover user behavior insights. Explore trends in daily and weekly active users. Stay informed with upcoming retention and session duration rankings.
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Active Users
Session Duration
Top Apps by Engagement
App Matrix
Active Users
Get to know how many users are loving apps in the market right now. This section reveals the buzz surrounding different apps over specific time periods, offering insights into what's trending and popular.
Explore whether users remain engaged after downloading an app. This section provides insights into how effectively apps retain their user base over time. It's akin to identifying which apps possess unique qualities that encourage users to return repeatedly for more engagement.
Discover applications known for their ability to retain users. It's like finding popular destinations where visitors come back time and again. Gain insights into the frequency of user returns and the factors that contribute to their ongoing engagement with these apps.
Session Duration
Learn how long users spend within an app. This metric reveals the average time users engage with different apps during each session. Explore which apps captivate users for extended periods, offering insights into user engagement.
Top Apps by Engagement
Discover the most engaging apps across the market based on metrics such as daily and weekly active users, session duration, retention, and stickiness rates.
App Matrix
Access a comprehensive overview of DAU, WAU, and retention metrics within the market, using our unique visual tool, coupled with customizable filters, that allow for swift analysis of app performance trends and facilitate data-driven decision-making.