Store Intelligence
Get access to unique data on more than
10 million apps from App Store and Google Play
Find out all the features
Top charts
App details
Top Apps & Top Publishers
App Transfers
SDK Intelligence
New Apps & Trending Apps
Top Movers
Hot Releases
App Comparing
Top charts
It's like a store Top Chart but better! Check iOS & Android platforms and see if an app's rating changes by country, category, etc. Go back in time to assess the state of the market at a particular moment and follow trends.
App details
All you need to know about the app: store profile, downloads, revenue, installed or removed SDK by version, statistics by countries, demographics, permissions, Top History ranking, similar apps, and more.
A crucial part of User Acquisition is App Store Optimization. In Apptica, you can study the main ASO technics, check keywords list for any application, find the best for your app, and optimize your strategy.
Top Apps & Top Publishers
Every day you get a fresh update on the Top Applications or Publishers listed by downloads and revenue. Keep an eye on your category mates and learn the strategy from the best to get better results.
App Transfers
Monitor app ownership changes effortlessly with our App Transfers feature. Easily track apps transitioning to new publishers and identify emerging players in your category.
SDK Intelligence
Full SDKs catalog – modules aggregated by category, list of apps with a particular SDK installed, ranking by category, install ranking. You can easily check any app’s SDK installed and removed by version.
New Apps & Trending Apps
Keep an eye on the upcoming stars in your category. Easily find new applications by release date, new apps appeared in Top Chart and applications trending up and down in Top Charts.
Top Movers
It's easy to track the most noticeable application’s Downloads and Revenue boost exactly within the category you are interested in. Analyze successful strategies of your competitors and apply the best ones.
Hot Releases
Hot Releases feature shows the most up-to-date information about the newest applications in all countries and categories. Watch the leaders in your category and analyze market behavior to improve your strategy.
App Comparing
The App Comparing section helps you find the main differences between apps. Compare the last creatives, downloads and revenue metrics, ratings, demographics and much more.
Being an agency that works a lot with mobile apps and games, we have to be industry data nerds. Apptica helps us with identifying potential clients, creating promotion strategies and evaluating niches and app verticals. Easy-to-understand dashboard and lots of options for customization!
Viktor Ryzhov
Viktor Ryzhov
Head of Marketing at Zorka.Mobi