Mobile games on iOS: winter results and forecasts for spring 2022

Read our new report to know which iOS game categories will rule the mobile market soon.

Mobile games on iOS: winter results and forecasts for spring 2022

Did you know that Puzzle titles became the first in number among all new iOS games this winter? Well, this spring the ratio of categories will change.

Mobile application market could change every second – thanks to its flexible digital nature. It is very responsive to all trends, so the main tendencies can be predicted simply by looking at the statistics for the next couple of months.

Even the slightest changes in the market that may not be revolutionary now might change the rules of the game in the future: that is why we analyzed games that have not entered the App Store yet.

In our new report, we are going to:

  1. Compare forecasts that we made for the winter of 2021-2022 with actual data on recently released games;
  2. Compare this winter's indicators with the percentage of games that are expected to release this spring.
See which game categories are expected to come out on top this spring

You can download the report for free here