New features: Top Movers and Hot Releases sections

New features: Top Movers and Hot Releases sections

The more comparison parameters – the better: Apptica team constantly works on new features for more in-depth market analysis. This week we are glad to present the launch of two new sections – Top Movers and Hot Releases.

Top Movers

Top Movers section contains top 500 apps by downloads and revenue. This feature helps to keep abreast of current market leaders, their earnings and growth dynamics.

New tool makes it easier to compare the indicators of the most popular apps on the market

Choose platform – IOS or Android, – country and certain app category – or just see which apps became new global leaders. You can compare two months’ income and download indicators and see how much they have changed: Top Movers table also includes apps which have seen a dramatic drop in downloads and revenues recently.

Hot Releases

Find out which apps become most downloaded and popular. Hot Releases feature shows the most up-to-date information about the newest applications in all countries and categories — this section only includes apps that were released no later than 3 months ago.

The table contains the number of downloads and revenue amount from its release date till the current date.

Track downloads and revenue of the hottest apps in all categories

New features will help you keep up with the hottest apps and trends. Watch the leaders in your category and analyze the market behavior to improve your strategy.

Apptica provides mobile experts with accurate analytical data on mobile applications and in-app advertising. To gain competitive insights and drive your mobile app forward with Apptica subscribe or request a DEMO.