New feature: Modules section

22 types of SDKs, 2 platforms and tons of beneficial information: Apptica's SDK Intelligence section has been replenished with the new Modules feature.

New feature: Modules section

22 types of SDKs, 2 platforms and tons of beneficial information: Apptica's SDK Intelligence section has been replenished with the new Modules feature.

Now Apptica users can receive the most accurate information about different types of SDKs spotted inside apps of all kinds. This data is operatively collected by our service and systematized in new section.

Get valuable data on SDKs found in applications from App Store and Google Play

Search through all SDKs on both iOS and Android platforms to learn more about them. See what app categories contain a certain SDK and look through similar modules to get a better idea of the whole group.

Also new feature allows to examine not only installed, but also uninstalled SDKs. Scroll through the column with a list of apps to see which of them got or removed specific SDK in chronological order. These updates would keep you aware of all changes and patterns emerging in the mobile market.

Examine this column to track changes in the state of your competitors

Apptica provides mobile experts with accurate analytical data on mobile applications and in-app advertising. To gain competitive insights and drive your mobile app forward with Apptica subscribe or request a DEMO.