Ad Intelligence
Get access to the largest Creative Gallery with
over 34 million ad creatives
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Creative gallery
Get firsthand data on UA campaigns of more than 100 000 advertisers on App Store and Google Play. Study their ad distribution across 35 countries and 25 major networks.
Creative gallery
Explore the most efficient ad creatives of your rivals! The Ad Creatives Gallery with over 34 million banners, videos, and playable ads for you to never lose inspiration.
Discover publishers with the biggest traffic buying share. Analyze an ad distribution by applications, check performing creatives and find publishers similar to you!
Apptica is a great tool for benchmarking mobile ads. We’ve been using it extensively to complete our benchmarking needs and get an all-round view on the state of the market. Their playable ads previewing feature is essential to us and their team is very reactive to our feedbacks!
Tibo Vincent-Ducimetière
Tibo Vincent-Ducimetière
Playable Ads Product Manager at Voodoo