Saving time on optimizing UA strategy | Checklist

Saving time on optimizing UA strategy | Checklist

The daily routine of a UA manager is full of challenges and complicated goals: a sustained searching for new approaches to user acquisition, optimizing, testing - all of that can once become a real thorn in your side. We built up an ultimate UA checklist with marketing needs in mind. Following those simple steps, you will greatly save time on testing and optimizing ad creatives, facilitate customer support, and reach higher ROI.

Market Research

Market research and competitors analysis is a process that can be facilitated and optimized on different levels. Initial market research is involved on a stage of planning app creation: it's crucial to understand the market and the competition you're about to enter. To learn the features of each market niche and explore factors driving market's economy, consult market reports from mobile analytics companies.

Such platforms as App Annie, Sensor Tower or Apptica provide experts with comprehensive market reports every month, quarter or a year. You will learn fundamental market trends, tendencies, and promising areas of the mobile marketplace. Supported by analytics data, you can make informed decisions and win the competition.

💡Get the essential Mobile UA Trends in 2020


Testing and optimizing ad creatives can be a time-sapping process which, however, can also be facilitated by choosing the right strategy. Here is a trick: instead of trying your best to outperform rivals, learn how to make the best out of the competition.

Step 1: Pick a few leaders in your category
Step 2: Define the exact moment when their number of installs grew significantly
Step 3: Study the advertising strategy they implemented at this moment
Step 4: Master their best performing ad creatives' mechanics
Step 5: Profit!

The idea is easy - if some specific advertising adjustment led to the massive increase in downloads for an app similar to yours (same target audience, similar mechanics...), that means the same strategy should work on you too. That strategy isn't equal to copycatting - you just implement the best approach escaping exhausting testing from scratch.

There is an obvious correlation between installs' increase and investing to advertising


A rare developer is not familiar with ASO tools: it's easy, effective and saves tons of time and money. Such tools can help you with collecting and expanding semantic core by studying the balance between keywords popularity and competition. It's also super easy to optimize keywords for every geo and increase app visibility on the App Store or Google Play.

Another important problem solving by such tools is review management. Successful app developers get thousands reviews from different platforms every day and they are very important to your business, since 83% of consumers trust reviews and 52% always read them before purchasing or installing the app. Some of ASO tools provide customers with tools helping to master review management by controlling positive and negative reviews, and answering to them from one customer dashboard - this truly saves time and increase user loyalty.

Let users know you hear them

SMM and PR

App Store is not the only place where users can leave their opinions: people search for reviews in Google, social media, forums and interest communities. Soi-disant user generated content is a powerful marketing tool to increase brand awareness and boost organic downloads. Moderating forums, creating engaging content on social media, and such platforms as Reddit is a part of general PR strategy and also customer support. By paying attention to what your users write about your brand, carefully answering queries, and engaging users to comment and leave reviews, you ensure exceptional attention to the brand in the App Store.

💡Read more: The Best Strategies For Getting (& Using) User Generated Content To Drive Organic App Growth

Checking up on competitors

Finally, when all of the above mentioned is cared for, never forget to keep an eye on rivals' activity on the market. Trends come and go within months so you should always be aware of what's happening around you. The easiest way to track competitors' activity is to sign up for the updates and get notifications straight to your inbox.

Applying those simple steps will genuinely save time and money of the UA team and make room for new achievements. Contact our team to know more about Marketing Analytics and Ad Intelligence tools.