Mobile games: state of the market & playtime benchmarks, Q3, 2023. Joint report with Gamelight

Explore the state of mobile gaming in Q3, 2023. Together with Gamelight we have analysed data on 37 countries with a more detailed focus on US, UK, Japan, South Korea, France and Germany.

Mobile games: state of the market & playtime benchmarks, Q3, 2023. Joint report with Gamelight

Explore the state of mobile gaming in Q3, 2023. Together with Gamelight we have analysed data on 37 countries with a more detailed focus on US, UK, Japan, South Korea, France and Germany.

What you will find inside:

  • Downloads & Revenue data on the gaming genres and top titles;
  • The distribution of gaming genres in US, UK, Japan, South Korea, France and Germany;
  • Average playtime numbers for selected countries;
  • The highest playtime titles in selected countries.

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