In-App Mobile Ad Spy and Monitoring Tool You Should Try in 2017

In-App Mobile Ad Spy and Monitoring Tool You Should Try in 2017

It is not a secret that costs to acquire new, valuable mobile consumers are skyrocketing.

Mobile advertisers demand ROI. Any marketer knows that low-performing channels and funnels should be killed and ad dollars proceed to be spend to channels and campaigns that generate more quality leads.

Big mobile advertisers and publishers allocate a lot of mobile advertising dollars, affords and energy into their ad campaigns. They test it, analyze various data like internal user behavior, ad performance metrics, external consumer advertising, psychology trends, optimize various creative types to ensure the ad is engaging and high-performing, measure conversions, consumer engagement and spend over time, create new ad units that need to be highly contextualized to accommodate different scenarios.

For these purposes they have creative labs, data science and marketing teams. They’re obsessed with delivering the most valuable mobile audience.

But if you are an app startup and you want to become a profitable company, you also need to find out best ways to reach, acquire and drive users that are also cost-efficient. How to do it with the low investment budget, lack of experience and be just in the beginning of creation your marketing & user acquisition strategy?

Spying your competitors!

Different spying tools will eventually allow you to check your competitors’ ads and be more profitable. There’re a whole bunch of them in Mobile Web in comparison with Mobile In-App.

In-app time continues to eclipse mobile web and mobile in-app ad monitoring and spying market is rapidly growing. To reach highly your target audience in in-app you need to have different ad campaigns and strategies than in mobile web and use different spying & monitoring tools.

Now it’s time to learn how to explore awesome in-app ad monitoring and spying tool: Apptica!

Apptica has international coverage and offers you the possibility to search by platform, advertiser, publisher, creative, application, ad network, country, category, period.

Apptica 2017

Apptica allows you to get insights:

  • Where your competitors are advertising and new trends of advertisement.

  • Which ad networks your competitors are advertising on and in what volume.

  • Creatives your competitors are using for advertising in different GEO. (creative type, dimensions, usage period, traffic source & traffic volume, Top creatives by impressions).

  • TOP countries your competitors are advertising on.

  • TOP ad formats and ads in your category.

  • Period your competitors’ campaign has been active.

Apptica 2017

Apptica 2017

While Apptica in running in beta it is free! Register here and get insights about your competitors!

Apptica 2017

Remember, by spying your competitors, you won’t probably profit immediately. Creatives that are working for someone else doesn’t guarantee they will work for you. What you will get, is a solid baseline to start with and test against.