Best advertising creatives of October

Best advertising creatives of October

Nobody likes advertising as much as Apptica team does. The end of the month is the time for our ongoing collection of the best advertising creatives. We watched hundreds of ads and chose the most creative, beautiful, funny ones. If you think your ad creative deserves to be featured in the next list, let us know at

Here are best video ad creatives for October 2019!

Let's start with the games. We are big fans of cartoon advertisements because it looks fresh, completed, attracting, and just cute. Our favorites this month are SuperCity: My Town Life Sim and Lost Island: Blast Adventure

This publisher killed two birds with one ad creative: he both showed the AR gameplay, and mentioned its selling points.

And of course, not a single monthly collection is complete without an epic game ad. This time of Lineage II.

To the applications now. Instagram does it like a pro. Unique message, clear call-to-action.

Great as usual Bumble ad.

You don't need huge budgets to make stylish and appealing advertising. Proven by Credit Karma.

The author's favorite ad for this month is a funny video compilation by Fiverr. Love it!

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