5 Best Health&Fitness apps of the upcoming Spring

5 Best Health&Fitness apps of the upcoming Spring

Spring is the perfect time to refresh, get back into shape, and get a recovery from the long, cold, and (sometimes) depressive winter time. I bet, at the end of February, some of you have already thought about going to the gym or at least getting a fitness app. Or maybe you are looking for bringing a bit of balance and happiness into your life, and this leads you to the meditation app? Anyways, check this list of the best Health&Fitness apps on the App Store and Google Play. It was build up especially for you to enjoy the Spring season with a calm mind and a healthy body.

To get fit: Better Me

BetterMe is a set of applications created by BetterMe Limited. The list includes 30 Day Fitness Challenge, BetterMen - muscle building app, walking and running app as well as the Meditation & Sleep app. In this way, a user can choose the training model according to his goals: muscle building, weight loss, or cardio. The app offers personal workout & meal plan, goals tracker, video and audio guided workouts, personal trainer feature and water tracker. If you'd like to get fit quickly before the sea season comes, try out the BetterMe: 30 Day Fitness Challenge.

To stay calm: Headspace

Headspace is your everyday guide to a healthy and calm mindset. With a variety of guided meditation sessions, you will learn how to manage stress and anxiety, build up a healthy relationships with people, find happiness and resolve sleep problems. Besides meditation courses, you can enjoy the large Sleep Library with hundreds of sleepcasts, sleep sounds, drift off and waking in the middle of the night meditations. Whenever you feel stressed, unhappy or out of energy (which happens a lot in winter), you'll find a perfect mindfulness exercise.

To eat healthy: Noom

If your goal is to change your relationships with food, eat healthily and lose weight, first of all, you should turn your nutrition into a system. It has been proven many times - there's no need to stick to an exhausting diet. A balanced and smart nutrition plan is enough to lose weight. That's where the apps like Noom can be very helpful. Supported by the experienced dietitians you will build healthier habits and achieve your short- and long-term goals. The app offers thousand of recipes, tips & tricks, support group for extra motivation and more.

To feel relief: Reflectly

Sometimes the only thing you need is to talk your feelings out. And it’s not always crucial to talk to your friends or relatives, because writing your thoughts down can be helpful enough. Reflectly is an AI journal that enables you to express your feelings and get relief. The AI assistant will guide you through the process, motivate, and track your progress.

To take control of your health: Flo

Flo is the most downloaded Health & Fitness app on the App Store worldwide (August 2019) as well as App of the Day in App Store in over 30 countries. It helps woman keep track of their period, calculate pregnancy, and take full control of their health. By marking down your symptoms, you'll get the complete medical supported information about your health that will help you feel better every day.