Weather Radars Revenue Doubled in the US Along of Hurricane Dorian

Weather Radars Revenue Doubled in the US Along of Hurricane Dorian

A category five storm - Hurricane Dorian - slammed Great Abaco Island in the Bahamas on September 1. The second most powerful Atlantic storm ever recorded then made landfall in North Carolina on Friday morning and went along the Mid-Atlantic Coast of the US.

People faced a natural disaster of incredible power, and this affected the mobile market: the number of downloads of Weather Radar apps increased almost three times in a week. According to Apptica Store Intelligence, the revenue of the top 10 weather radar apps increased by 56% which is more than $370 000 per week.

The data is calculated for 10 popular Weather Radar iOS applications:

Statistics show an expansive growth of downloads and revenue in anticipation of the hurricane. We see the increase in Weather Radar downloads occurred in the last week of August, which means that US residents were preparing for the hurricane in advance. After September 5, when a hurricane passed along the US coast, interest in applications fell sharply.

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