Understanding Video Creatives by Duration: Types and Uses

Introducing our new filter "Creative Duration" and explaining what insights it may bring.

Understanding Video Creatives by Duration: Types and Uses

As we all might already know, video advertising is a dynamic field, where the length of a video creative plays a crucial role in its effectiveness and application.

To better understand the importance of video length, it's worth noting that the duration of video creatives directly impacts the cost per install (CPI). By testing different video lengths, you can determine which ones offer the lowest CPI. This allows you to optimize your advertising budgets by keeping in rotation only those videos that deliver the most effectiveness at the lowest cost. In this way, you can not only reduce expenses but also improve the overall efficiency of your advertising campaigns.

As many of our users may have noticed, we now have a brand-new filter in our Creative Gallery: Creative Duration. This filter allows you to select a specific video duration range in seconds to refine your search. By doing so, you can gain a better understanding of which formats work best for your competitors, identify patterns in their promotion strategies, and even estimate how much they spend on their campaigns, as CPI costs vary with different video lengths. To use this filter, simply open Ad Intelligence, navigate to the Creative Gallery, and select the desired video length.

Let's delve into the various video ad durations, their typical uses, and how they cater to different platforms and audiences.

1. Bumper Ads (Up to 6 Seconds)

Bumper ads are extremely short, non-skippable videos that last up to six seconds. Introduced by Google for YouTube in 2016, these ads are designed to deliver quick, impactful messages. Their brevity makes them perfect for platforms like YouTube Short, Snapchat or TikTok, where users expect rapid consumption of content. Bumper ads are particularly effective for established brands aiming to reinforce brand awareness or deliver a succinct call-to-action. They are also commonly used for retargeting purposes, reminding users of a brand or product they have previously interacted with.


Video ad by Agoda: Cheap Flights & Hotels

2. Short Ads (7-10 Seconds)

Ads within the 7-10 second range are also generally non-skippable and perform well on mobile platforms. These are frequently used in interstitial placements within apps (video-inter placements in networks like AdMob). They strike a balance between brevity and content, making them suitable for capturing attention quickly without causing disruption. These ads are popular in social media feeds and mobile gaming apps, targeting users who prefer quick, digestible content.


Video ad by Meet2Play - Chess & Backgammon

3. Medium-Length Ads (11-15 Seconds)

Extending slightly longer, 11-15 second ads provide a bit more space to convey a message while still maintaining user engagement. These ads are common in both interstitial placements and social media platforms like YouTube Shorts. They offer enough time to deliver more detailed information about a product or service without losing the audience's interest. Medium-length ads are ideal for new brands that need to build awareness and convey more complex messages.


Video ad by Revolut: Spend, Save, Trade

4. Standard Ads (16-20 Seconds)

When ads extend to 16-20 seconds, they often appear on YouTube or partner websites. These ads may sometimes be skippable, giving users the option to continue watching if they find the content engaging. This duration allows for a more comprehensive narrative or demonstration, making it suitable for products that require a bit more explanation or storytelling.


Video ad by Facebook

5. Rewarded Ads (21-30 Seconds)

Rewarded video ads, which typically last between 21-30 seconds, are widely used in mobile apps and games. In networks like AdMob and AppLovin, users opt to watch these ads in exchange for in-app rewards, such as extra lives or virtual currency. This incentivized viewing ensures high completion rates, making it an effective format for advertisers looking to engage users more deeply.


Rewarded video ad by Travel Town found in Tetris app

6. Long-Form Ads (30+ Seconds)

Ads longer than 30 seconds are primarily used on YouTube and partner sites where users are more likely to engage with extended content. These ads are often skippable, allowing interested viewers to continue watching while others can skip after a few seconds. Long-form ads are suitable for brands with complex messages or narratives that require more time to unfold, such as product demos, testimonials, or detailed brand stories.


Video ad by MONOPOLY GO!