State of the App Market in Q3 2019 - Stats & Infographics

State of the App Market in Q3 2019 - Stats & Infographics

The mobile industry has always been one of the most rapid-growing and competitive fields hosting thousands of professionals from all over the world. Best of them are always looking for new opportunities to expand their business - a secret weapon that will allow them to achieve more by paying less. In Apptica, we truly believe – that weapon is knowledge, and it’s available to everyone.

In this article, we briefly describe the main trends in Mobile Advertising and Mobile Applications in the 3rd quarter of 2019. Get complete statistics by downloading the report.

App Intelligence

As in the Q2 of 2019, Top 5 publishers by download are Google, Voodoo, Say Games, Tencent Mobile Games, and Good Job Games (iOS). Say Games slipped two spots to become #3 Publisher by downloads. As for the Google Play Store, Facebook slipped one spot and gave #2 place to WhatsApp.

In-app purchases is one of the main sources of income for mobile applications. Here is the apps ranking by in-app purchases revenue. Tinder and Pandora Music dominates both Stores although the leaders are different - YouTube in App Store and Google One in Google Play.

Knowing which countries are willing to pay more for mobile applications is essential for any developer doing monetization. It’s no secret that the US is #1 country in making in-app purchases which accounts for more than 45%. The US is followed by Japan and China on App Store and Germany and the UK on Google Play. Asian countries now tend more to buy applications than only 1 year ago.

Ad Intelligence

In Q3 2019, the market has seen almost 30 thousand advertisers, where apps make the biggest part. The number of ad creatives increased by 14% since the last quarter. Video is the most common ad format.

Top Advertisers of Q3 2019 are the ranged by the ad distribution share. Both Top Charts feature Mafia City mobile game, the best advertiser by the number of creatives is TikTok, the video app released over 10 thousand ad creatives in 3 months.

This article is a brief overview of Mobile Advertising & App Intelligence Report by Apptica. Download your full PDF version.