Playrix Revenue Hit $20.4 Million per week

Playrix Revenue Hit $20.4 Million per week

Recently Bloomberg revealed the Newest Hidden Billionaires. They are two owners of Playrix Holding Ltd. - Russian brothers Igor and Dmitry Bukhman.

According to Bloomberg, in 2001 brothers began with writing games and now, 18 years later, they are the owners of the one of the world's successful games devellopers. Playrix is running 4 huge projects - Homescapes, Gardenscapes, Township and Fishdom - each of them brings millions of revenue every month.

Apptica Store Intelligence shows the total weekly revenue to be $20.4 million worldwide on the App Store and Google Play.

Playrix revenue in 7 days (April 19 - April 26)

As one of the brothers said, Ads generate less than 3 percent of revenue. However, in 2019 the company is #53 in the rating of the most active publishers selling traffic in Android and #33 in iOS.
At the moment, in iOS Playrix only sell traffic for two apps - Fishdom and Township. The rest money come from in-app purchases.

The US generates most of the revenue for Playrix games as well as China, Russian Federation and some of European contries.

“We want to grow [...] using developer talent from our region—the former USSR and Eastern Europe,” proclaimes Igor.

Successful on European market, company now pays attention to Asia and Middle East and expands advertising campaign to cover South Korea, Japon, and Hong Kong as well as Quatar and Iran.

In advertising, Playrix tends to use video ad rather then banners and playables.

Playrix Ad Formats distribution in iOS & Android (September, 2017 - April, 2019)