Pinatamasters Revenue Growth 638% in 5 Days

Pinatamasters revenue in the US increased 638% in 5 days only, according to Apptica Mobile Analytics Platform. Released at the beginning of April, an arcade game by Playgendary reached Top Free Game Chart #1 by the middle of the month. Pinatamasters downloads increased seven times (from 18 496 to 140 574 per day) in App Store US.
While Playgendary was testing and promoting the app in Canada since November 2018, the worldwide release of the game came on March 29, 2019. April 10, publisher starts a vast advertising campaign in more than 30 countries. From 10 to April 16 Ad saw significant growth.
In its UA strategy, Playgenadary focuses on Asian and Middle East markets, though the app gains more revenue from the US and UK.
According to Apptica Ad Intelligence, during the advertising campaign, Pinatamasters were using seven Ad Networks, including Facebook and Instagram. At the diagram below, we may see that the publisher tests different Ad Networks.
Eleven playables and 95 video ads were tested. The most successful Ad was a Playable seen in 35 countries and 392 apps being active 11 days. And a video ad is seen in 34 countries and 350 apps being active 6 days.