"Pick me up" dominates Top Charts in Google Play

"Pick me up" dominates Top Charts in Google Play

Tastypill, one of the most successful publishers in 2019 with such games as Spill It, Impossible Bottle Flip, Sling Drift etc, released a new arcade game named Pick me Up. Published on March 7, the app raised the first line in Google Play Top Chart in only 13 days and holds it since then.

"Pick me up" Google Play Top Chart ranking history, US

It seems like Tastypill is a real professional in generating traffic - one year ago Sling Drift made the same success with a jump from 119 to 5th line in two days.

In autumn 2018, a puzzle game Spill It! by Tastypill moved from 339 to 9th line in three days. And it’s not the case of temporary success as Spill It! maintains a consistently high position in its category Top Chart since the day it was launched.

"Sling Drift" Google Play Top Chart ranking history, US

"Spill it!" Google Play Top Chart ranking history, US

The thing worth mentioning here is an advertising strategy that Tastypill team uses to promote his applications.

When it comes to Ad Network, the publisher definitely prefers Applovin, we can see it all over the Ad Intelligence in Apptica. Generally, Pick me up is focusing on New Zealand, Singapore, and Australia whereas before the publisher was paying more attention to eastern countries like Kuwait, Malasia or Saudi Arabia.

"Pick me up" advertising campaign by countries

For example, Sling Drift is all time #2 Advertiser in the Middle East in category “Game: Action” with Distribution Share over 12%. And #3 Advertiser in Asia with Distribution Share of almost 7%

Top Chart for 6 countries: Iran, Kuwait, Quatar, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, United Arab Emirates

Top Chart for 6 countries: Hong Kong, Malaysia, Singapore, Taiwan, Thailand, Vietnam

As for creatives, it could be a key point in advertising strategy so publishers had better to pay attention and choose the right format for each application category. According to Apptica Ad intelligence, Tastypill tends to use video Ads

69% of Pick me up Ads are videos, the rest is playable ad. It’s likely that banners and images are not that sticky as interactive ones.

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