How to promote an app? Web, in-app, social - choosing the best way

How to promote an app? Web, in-app, social - choosing the best way

The get the most out of the mobile app, one should attract the right audience that will become a source of app monetization. Whenever it's in-app purchases or monetization through mobile ads, loyal user base is a key to monetization. Today we cover 5 user acquisition channels to give you the ultimate impression of the state of mobile marketing and user acquisition in 2020.  


Advertising mobile apps through web channels is not a new thing. However, in today's settings, only a few developers choose this way. The main reason for that is that to adjust the advertising campaign accurately, UA managers are looking to get the most information they can get from the user. Device type, gender, age, even GPS location - all of that data is referring to managers from mobile devices. Whereas the only user information we can get from the web is usually the primary web activity: websites visited, shopping habits, etc.

Source: Fiver

In 2020, the data is king, so UA tends to get more user data from mobile devices and skip the web advertising possibilities.

One more reason for taking no notice of web advertising is that such ads can be easily skipped or blocked. There is a variety of ad blockers for the web, which you probably use too: it's not at all challenging to block intrusive ads on web pages. While there is no smart way to skip mobile ads: users either watch ads inside of mobile applications or purchase a PRO account with no ads. Both ways are in the developer's interest.

Pros: -
Cons: lack of user data; vulnerable to ad blockers


In-app advertising is the most common approach to user acquisition. According to Mary Meeker's report released in 2019, users spend 89% of their time in mobile apps which makes those the perfect advertising space for developers. In-app advertising is easy to control: there is a variety of custom platforms and tools that let UA manager operate in-app ads from A to Z, make competitors research, outwatch fraud, A/B test, and much more.

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Comparing to the web, in-app ads has higher CTR, better user experience with an ad, and best targeting options. The variety of ad formats allows reaching different goals throughout one ad campaign and increase ad engagement.

Rewarded mobile ads

Pros: High CTR and engagement rates; variety of ad networks; easy reach and scaling
High competition among advertisers


Social media is a rapidly developing space where new trends coming and going every day. The main social media are widely known: Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, Twitter, Snapchat... Each of those offers a dedicated advertising program for different goals and needs. Social advertising is known for being native - any ad can be integrated into the feed so that it does not differ from ordinary messages. Social advertising is less annoying for users and creates a better experience.

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Social media are recognized for being a perfect space for B2C services, shopping apps, and mobile games.

Pros: Native; good user experience
Cons: Expensive


Bloggers and influencers may be a good source of users: due to the broad and loyal audience, bloggers may help you reach "warm" and favorable customers. Basic tools here are ad integrations, native advice, and promoted posts on social media. However, we do not recommend to choose influencer marketing as the only advertising channel for your app. Influencer ads are poorly operated and tracked and you better have good control over your campaign. Influencer marketing could be a great additional tool for your social media or in-app campaign.

Pros: Wide and favorable audience
Cons: Better choose in addition to social media campaign

Search Ads

Running search ads will let you strengthen your ASO strategy and reach more installs from search results. That UA approach should be implemented with good ASO only.

While running advertising for a mobile app it's essential to define your target user, campaign goals, and budget. With those settings in mind, you could find the perfect advertising space for you and grow your audience for further monetization.