How Do You Know Which Is The Best Mobile Ad Network For Your App?

How Do You Know Which Is The Best Mobile Ad Network For Your App?

Asking “what is a mobile ad network” or generally “which is the best mobile ad network” will likely give you some idea about the function of an ad network in digital marketing. Yet these search queries, alone, will not prepare you to make well-informed choices when selecting the best ad network for your business. That’s because there isn’t one objective best ad network that is guaranteed to generate the most leads and/or the most revenue for every app.

What Is A Mobile Ad Network?

The function of an ad network in digital marketing is relatively simple. The best mobile ad network options connect advertisers to publishers who want to monetize their apps and streamline the process of integrating ad content into apps. You may use an ad network to get ad space in apps, to monetize ad space in your app, or (often) to do both. The goal of using an ad network in digital marketing is the same for both advertisers and publishers: increase revenue. For advertisers, in-app ads increase brand visibility and generate leads. For publishers, they create new revenue by paying per user engagement with the ad.

The best ad network options compete based on their ad targeting accuracy and data analytics and campaign segmentation options, as well as their overall trustworthiness, ease-of-use, and pricing. Consequently, which is the best mobile ad network for your app depends on the size of your budget, your understanding of and ability (and intent) to use available data, and specific goals for your business.

Key Questions To Ask When Searching For the Best Mobile Ad Network For Your App

  • How do you plan to use the ad network (advertiser, publisher, or both)? The best mobile ad network for you will enable you to do as much or as little as you plan.
  • What is your budget for using an ad network in digital marketing efforts for your app? Eliminate even the objectively best ad network options if they are over-budget.
  • To what degree are you or your marketing staff able (or willing to learn) to use potentially complex interfaces or data analytics suites? Both beginner-friendly and technically advanced ad network options are available.
  • How much control do you want (and will you take) over how ads appear in your app/how and where your ads appear in other apps? Transparency and control often come at a greater price and with greater complexity. If you have a small budget and little interest in data analytics or segmented ad campaigns, the best ad network for you may be a “set it and forget it” platform rather than a robust, customizable suite.

What Qualities Make A Platform The Best Ad Network For App Users?

Whether you use an ad network in digital marketing for your app as an advertiser, publisher, or both, considering users’ interactions with in-app ads is key. Annoying, predatory, poorly designed, or poorly placed in-app ads can have dramatic negative effects on user experience, both in terms of users’ willingness to keep the app installed (and continue using it) and their assumptions about brands being advertised.

Publishers looking for the best mobile ad network should consider that in-app advertising motivates more than one-quarter of app uninstalls. What’s more, some ad networks host predatory or fraudulent ads that (at best) drive away customers by draining battery/data (prompting even more uninstalls). Advertisers should be similarly cautious about users’ interactions with ads — even some of the best mobile ad network options require manually setting boundaries for what ads appear on what apps. Moreover, platforms not often listed among the best mobile ad network options, though less expensive, often lack the transparency and tools necessary to ensure that ads appear in appropriate contexts.

Top Mobile Ad Networks / Source:

The Hard Work Doesn’t End With Choosing The Best Ad Network For You; It’s Just Getting Started

Even the best mobile ad network is not a silver bullet for cash flow or lead generation problems. That’s why, after identifying/implementing the best mobile ad network for your app, it is essential to keep track of the ROI of that ad network in digital marketing efforts and adjust it accordingly. More than three-quarters of marketers struggle to quantify the effects of mobile advertising, despite knowing the benefits and risks of using a mobile ad network in digital marketing. Consequently, continuous, appropriate use of available data is a key component of the successful use of an ad network in digital marketing plans.

To that end, the best mobile ad network for any given business both fits well and is being run well relative to the business’ goals. Regularly measuring the results of ad network activity can help you tailor the in-app ad experience to users’/target customers’ needs. This can also help both advertisers and publishers identify and resolve issues with user experience before they get out of hand.