Chinese version of Archero game hits 4 Million downloads

Chinese version of Archero game hits 4 Million downloads

In mid-August, the publisher HABBY launched the Chinese version of the successful mobile game Archero in App Store. The game turned out to be so popular in China that in September, it surpassed 4 million downloads. This was especially impressive considering the main version of the game accounted only 700,000 installs worldwide for the same month.

Archero downloads

Launching an international project in China may take a long time (developers should go through a rigorous approval process, provide all required permits to the Chinese government). So sometimes it’s even easier for Chinese developers to release the game on the European and American markets. So did HABBY - the publisher launched the main version of Archero in May 2019, and only four months later, the game for the Chinese market.

Game profile on App Store

It seems that some users switch to the Chinese version of their favorite game because it has more free benefits. One of Reddit users recently listed all advantages of the Chinese Archero, among them daily 200 free gems, 10 Times daily free energy and more.

The game is actively advertised in China via Unityads, AdMob, Applovin and Vungle.