An early access version of Minecraft Earth rocks Top Charts in 10 countries

An early access version of Minecraft Earth rocks Top Charts in 10 countries

November 12, Minecraft creators announced the Minecraft Earth Early Access in 10 countries.

A new mobile game is intended to transfer the Minecraft world to real life using AR technology. Users will be able to interact with the Minecraft universe through the camera of their mobile phones: players can build and collect objects, explore the map, fight monsters, and interact with each other.

Minecraft Earth was first revealed in May 2019 and was limitedly accessible for testing. First releases were held in New Zealand (early October), Mexico, Canada, Australia and South Korea (the end of October). According to Apptica Store Intelligence, Mexico made a major part of Android app's downloads. As for the iOS game, the core audience of the game were players from the US.

First AR ambitious project since the success of Pokémon GO

Fans have high hopes for the game, and for good reason: the gameplay should be epic. Torfi Olafsson, game director of Minecraft Earth explains:

We have covered the entire planet in Minecraft. Every lake is a place you can fish, every park is a place you can chop down trees. We’ve actually taken maps of the entire world and converted them to Minecraft.

The game support building objects that will be available to other players in the same location - for example, in a local coffee place. However, the player doesn't have to move outside, you can play from home, creating objects on any flat surface. The great part of the game is playing together with friends, all experiencing the same game in the same place.

Credit: Damir Kamaletdinov

After that, unlike the classic mobile Minecraft, Minecraft Earth is a free-to-play game, which means that users can enjoy the game for free and purchase optional attributes. According to Apptica estimates, in November, the game gained around $50 000 from in-app purchases.

A long-awaited game ran up to the first position of Free Top Chart in just 1-2 days in almost every country. Today, the day after release in the USA Minecraft Earth holds the line #2 of Free Top Chart in App Store and Google Play. And there is every reason to believe that soon the game will be a great success. Follow Apptica blog and get insights on Minecraft Earth revenue in the first month after Global Release.