3 Best-Kept Secrets For Building An Effective Mobile Ad Monetization Model

3 Best-Kept Secrets For Building An Effective Mobile Ad Monetization Model

Get Ahead Of The Biggest Monetized Mobile Advertising Trends So You Can (Actually) Make Money From Ads

How Can The Best Ad Monetization Practices Help You Make Money From Ads?

The idea behind any mobile ad monetization model is simple: businesses that want to run app-based mobile ad campaigns need apps to host their ads, and when your app users engage with an ad you host, you get paid. Yet using a mobile ad monetization model to (consistently) make money from ads can prove challenging. Mobile users’ responses and tolerance of how/when/which types of ads on mobile apps appear are continually evolving. That’s why the “best” ad monetization practices are always changing.

If you’re considering trying to make money from ads on your mobile app, the moving-target of user tolerance for common mobile ad monetization models can dramatically impact your mobile app advertising revenue and your customer retention rates. Finding (and maintaining) an effective mobile ad monetization model that generates profits without alienating your customers is essential. These best-kept secrets of the ad monetization strategies can help you do just that.

Secret #1: The Best Ad Monetization Strategists Consider How Mobile Ad Campaigns & Consumer Behavior Are Connected

Some so-called “best” ad monetization practices make it more difficult to make money from ads. That’s because allowing misleading ads, intentionally placing them to get accidental/coerced clicks, and hosting too many ads are among the most-used strategies to boost mobile app advertising revenue through monetization. Consequently, about one-third of mobile ad clicks are accidental and another 15% “trick” users into clicking, and the rates of intentional in-app ad clicks are declining as users resist their ever-growing numbers.

Example of misleading ad

As a result, more than 90% of mobile users think mobile ad campaigns are intrusive. Others worry that their privacy and security are at risk from ads (unfortunately, they’re often right). It’s no surprise, then, that consumer use of mobile ad blockers has seen rapid growth, especially among those extending ad blocking services to non-browser apps. Now, as many as 80% of smartphone users aged 25-34 (the most powerful consumer segment) use a mobile ad blocker. Among consumers who don’t yet use app ad blockers, more than one-quarter will uninstall an app (even if they like it) if it employs an abusive or annoying mobile ad monetization model.

Secret #2: Pick A Mobile Ad Network That Lets You Customize Your Mobile Ad Monetization Model To Your Users’ Needs

Not every mobile ad monetization model will drive users to uninstall your app. Mobile users largely recognize that, at its best, ad monetization can be beneficial to everyone involved (end-users included). That’s why 77% of ad block users wish they could filter instead of blocking all ads. Luckily, some mobile ad networks enable app developers to create a filtered mobile ad monetization model per users’ wishes.

💡An Ultimate Guide For Choosing Mobile Ad Network

These mobile ad networks rely on app developers to set their own parameters on their mobile ad monetization model. Consequently, the best way to make money from ads involves developing a clear picture of your app users. Seek to understand their interests, interaction with the app (and how ads will impact it), and tolerance for ad types/contents. It’s important to note that people have a lower tolerance for mobile ads than desktop ads. Mobile game users are especially sensitive, as many of the “best” ad monetization practices (like using banner ads and full-page ads displayed at intervals) disrupt gameplay. That’s why the best ad monetization strategists use mobile ad networks that enable ad content filtering and intentional placement, as well as manual approval of each ad before its in-app appearance.

Secret #3: Make Money From Ads By Empowering Users To Opt Out Of Them &/Or Rewarding Users’ Tolerance Of Them

To gauge users’ tolerance for your mobile ad monetization model, consider this: what do they get from their participation in your plans to make money from ads? Some app developers feel that the best ad monetization justification is the provision of a free app. Yet others pursue a mobile ad monetization model that makes ads beneficial to users independent of the role they play in keeping the app free-to-use (or play).

Rewarded ad by Hill Climb Racing 2 by Fingersoft

These approaches are both the best ad monetization strategy — just for different types of apps. Mobile games lose fewer users to ad frustration if they assign in-app rewards for users’ tolerance of ads (often in the form of in-app currency, extra lives, and other high-value in-app extras) making this a popular strategy. This strategy is noticeably more difficult to employ in utility apps, as users’ interaction with these apps is vastly different from their interaction with mobile games. That’s why the best ad monetization approach for utility apps is often empowering users to pay some amount to remove ads that don’t (and likely never will) enhance their user experience.