Webinar: Creative Experiments: Set New Benchmarks
Apptica discusses universal approaches for scaling through creatives in the modern mobile advertising landscape with Allformance and Endel.

The experts from Allformance and Endel shared the main benchmarks for mobile businesses scaling using innovative creative approaches.
The recording is available via the link.
✍️ Key Takeaways:
📲 Block 1. Insights from Allformance.
How to develop a universal approach for scaling through creatives?
- Look at product advertising from a deep-dive angle
- Test, analyze, combine, repeat
- Learnings should solve any top funnel problems
How to adapt creative concepts for TikTok?
First option: Find the top creative approaches from the market and apply them to your video -> Try to do make 3-5 experiments with a similar topic, but different implementation -> Test 7-10 days with a stable fixed budget for each creative ->
• Explore all the results obtained
• Scale the winner to several markets at once
• Develop a winning concept
Second option: Create new UGC creative based on competitor and market analysis -> Make at least 5 different variations to get the most relevant result -> Test, explore the results & scale, as in the previous one.
👾 Block 2. Insights from Endel.
Advantages of using Meta Ads:
• Good quality of traffic
• Fast learning stage
• Long time of creo fatigue
Meta Ads Auction Concept:

Overview of different approaches:
- A/B-testing
• Facebook requirements are met;
• Helps to ensure that your audiences will be evenly split and statistically comparable, while informal testing can lead to overlapping audiences.
• Takes longer time;
• May be expensive.
- Dedicated Adsets
• Performance of each creo is trackable.
• Might be expensive;
• Greatly reduces the number of available campaigns, but now it was increased from 9 to 18.
- Ad ranking (Bayesian inference)
• Facebook algorithms do their best;
• It’s cheap.
• There’s a possibility that algorithm chooses a wrong creo;
• Results per each creative are not trackable.
🎮 Block 3. Insights from Apptica based on the report "State of Market in H1 2024".
Mobile advertising trends:
- Video kept being on the top with 81,6% dominance.
- The creatives with hybrid elements were also on the rise: Video + Playable, Video + UGC, Playable + UGC, etc.
- In Google Play apps covered the biggest share of advertising traffic (59,6%), while in App Store gaming appeared to be a strong leader with 71,7%.
Non-gaming mobile advertising: Vertical share analysis
Entertainment apps had the biggest share of advertising traffic on iOS (53,91%), in Google play Finance vertical topped with 29% share. In App Store Lifestyle was the only category that accounted for >10% of share after the leader, while on Android this share was taken by Social (16,37%) and Shopping (10,77%).
Gaming mobile advertising: Vertical share analysis
Casual titles took the biggest shared of advertising traffic on both platforms (27% and 20% correspondingly). On iOS Simulation, Card and Strategy accounted for >10% of share each, while on Android this share was taken by Board (18%) and Puzzle (15%).
Top DSPs
Among DSPs on both platforms the leaders that accounted for >10% share turned out to be Liftoff and Kayzen – with 36,3% and 11,5% respectively. Other platforms from the top-10 list succeeded to have from 1,3% to 3,98% of advertising traffic.
Creative formats: Top creative ratio
The most popular dimensions for ads were 375 x 667 for banners, 360 x 640 for videos, and 320 x 640 for playables. The ratio distribution showed that banner sizes are more evenly spread across different dimensions, while videos had a significant preference for 360 x 640, and playables were dominated by 320 x 640 with a high ratio.
Creative formats: Creative duration
There was a clear preference for 30-second ads, with 15-second ads being the next most common. Other durations like 29, 26, and 25 seconds were significantly less frequent, indicating a trend towards standardized ad lengths. The "Playable Duration" chart also highlighted a strong preference for 30-second ads, followed by 45-second ads.
Creative lifecycle on TikTok and Meta
On TikTok the creatives burn out faster, almost 60% of creatives are excluded from the inventory within the first 7 days. Only 18,7% run for more than 30 days. In Meta channels more creatives cross the 7-days line with 14,3% performing for more than 30 days. In terms of efficiency, Meta has a bit bigger share of top-1 creatives, i.e. more creatives lead to desired KPIs (5,8% vs 4,6% correspondingly).
Top advertisers on TikTok and Meta
50,5% of advertisers in Meta Channels pertained to gaming vertical. Meta products in total covered 17,1% of ad traffic. While 32% of advertisers in TikTok were from the gaming vertical. So, non-gaming applications dominated the ad niche unlike in Meta.
Trends in creatives on TikTok and Meta
- A noticeable shift towards strengthening user-generated content (UGC) as a way to build authenticity and trust.
- Emotional appeals were also on the rise, with creatives designed to evoke strong emotional responses, while driving deeper connections with the audience. Additionally, interactive elements, such as puzzles, rewards, and gamification, were becoming increasingly popular, offering a more engaging and participatory ad experience, and a memorable user journey.
- Collaborating with influencers and creators remained a significant trend, as influencers bring a pre-existing audience and a trusted voice to a company’s products.
- Educational content was also gaining traction on TikTok & Meta.
- Brands and creators used short-form videos or banners to share valuable information, tips, and industry insights.
- Social proof either in publication format or review/testimonials was valued by users.