How to Choose Ad Networks to Monetize Your Mobile App?

How to Choose Ad Networks to Monetize Your Mobile App?

Thanks to 10 ways to monetize your app you can understand which ad networks have high or low CPI for a long period.

But usually we need these data daily updated and all app market participants are eager to get this precious information. Unfortunately CPIs are dynamic, according to the article we see these changes during the period from March, 2015 till January, 2017. Moreover CPIs depends from countries and many other details.

You can spend a lot of time in your own researches, track CPIs daily all over networks and understand that sometimes support is hard to reach. Other way— save your time and use Apptica, where in one place you’ll see the best practices of your competitors, other app publishers.

Apptica suggests looking at the “CPI question” from the other side. As an app publisher who’s interested in best monetizing SDK you can use Apptica to see which SDKs your competitors use and correct your marketing strategy.

Apptica is easy to use, you just choose the app category and see how other publishers monetize similar apps. Geo separation also give you insights which countries are popular now for you app category. Just compare with set of countries in your own app.

Sometimes analytics can be difficult to understand from the first side. We’ll give you simple guide right now:

  1. Go to Applications section, choose the app you value as an insight competitor. See which ad SDKs integrated there and which one the best for monetization. Apptica shows distribution share of ad impressions between Top Ad Networks.

  1. Moreover, you can see in what countries which network gives the most volume of ads to you competitors. So that mean, if you have the same countries, try to integrate the same SDKs and get profit! Our data is daily updated, everyday you can see actual information about your competitors ad SDKs and popular countries.

It’s not the only way how Apptica can be useful for app publishers. If you interested in other Apptica’s features and how it helps to other app market participants, please feel free to contact us to We’ll show a demo and answer all your questions.