Introducing: TopCharts of mobile apps in Apptica!

Introducing: TopCharts of mobile apps in Apptica!

Now our in-app ad monitoring service has TopCharts of apps from Google Play and iOS Store.
Using the data filter you can access TopCharts past history and monitor which positions held by the apps among categories and 28 countries.

You may see app page from the stores, along with previews, description and ratings in any of the 28 countries.

In addition to this, the detailed page contains a timeline evolution of the app’s position in TopCharts in time - in every category to which the publisher added the app.

TopCharts list has indicators that show whether app does ad monetization or advertising.
The most popular ad creatives available for the subscribers of our service on detailed pages.

Thank you! We are glad to see you among our users and keep working for more insights and cool features! :)