App Comparing by Apptica

App Comparing by Apptica

Let us introduce you new Apptica feature that will change your approach to app research and exploration. We have carefully collected feedback from our users and happy to present a tool that answers our subscribers’ needs and desires:

App Comparing

We really care about your comfort and time-saving, that’s why you can enjoy our amazing App Comparing tool from this moment. It is designed specifically for those, who prefer to have a detailed analysis of a few apps in a visually convenient way.

Now entering our new section “App Comparing”, you can add up to 5 apps that you are interested in on one page for a closer look.

Here is a full list of apps characteristics you can research simultaneously:

App Comparing Tool by Apptica

All info and stats are based on highly reliable Apptica data, already approved by thousands of our subscribers.

Here we go to show you how handy and user-friendly it is. All apps are available for comparing:

Comparison apps by price, developer, platform, etc

Illustrative graphics demonstrate all necessary figures:

Downloads and Revenue of apps by countries and overall

Ad info is collected and presented for your research and analysis. You can even enjoy Creatives right here!

Ad Intelligence by Apptica

Observe how app shows itself in Top Charts. You can choose any period you are interested in.

Top Charts statistics, category and info on publishing ads by apps

Would like to explore apps rating in store, demographics, feature graphic, countries of release? It's all here for you!

Ratings, demographics, graphic of apps, countries they are released in

We are proud to provide you with such an easy-to-use tool that will save you loads of time and make your dive in apps analysis as convenient as possible.

If you are Apptica user, feel free to explore App Comparing tool now. Or request a demo and we will be happy to tell you about how Apptica intelligence tools may help your team.